Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

APRIL 2015

I wanted to post all these pictures, but I didn't want to do a separate post for everything soo here they are, a whole lot of random photos from April!
Disclaimer: her hair is not bright red haha, it was the reflection!!
 Lunch for Lori's Birthday!
 Swim days with Aunt Macey!
 Aunt Abbey is home for the summer!!
 Play dates with Aiden!
Finally finished Kambree's nursery, it's about dang time!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I switched the laundry and she crawled under her crib silly girl!
Thursdays are my day off school and work, so Kambree and I decided to make some homemade valentines! 
To make the finger paint, I used: 
1 cup of flour
1 teaspoon of salt
2 1/4 cups of water
a pot & whisk
red food coloring

Add the flour to the pot as well as the salt. Set the stove plate to medium heat. Measure out your flour and slowly add it while mixing it with a whisk to make sure there are no lumps. Once the mixture starts thickening turn the heat to low and stir until you get the right consistency for your paint.

Then I split the mixture into three different bowls and added food coloring to make light pink, hot pink, and red finger paint.

We spread out a tablecloth from the dollar store and Kambree dipped her hands in the paint and then onto a piece of paper. Then I used my heart shaped hole punch with some pink paper and we glued those onto our paper, they made the perfect valentines for our parents!

The best part was that I put Kambree in the bath and it washed right off, perfect project!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


For my birthday (in july) i really wanted a sewing machine & my mom and dad surprised me with one! I just haven't gotten it out until now ha so sad! I also got some gingher shears for Christmas, so I decided to use them during Kam's nap one day! & I think molly & the ginghers sounds like a good band name! So I have that awful mama bear shirt that I have put in the DI pile maybe five times, and Alex keeps getting it out! (I won that shirt, I did not buy it!!)  He knows its ugly, but he insists that I wear it, I never have! I thought if I cut it up he couldn't try to get me to wear it anymore, but you know, crop tops... ha! The sewing job is TERRIBLE on the maxi skirt, but you would never know that unless you looked at it real close. I figured out my mistakes and I am excited to make her another one! On a side note, we put Kambree in her crib and she played for a while then fell asleep all on her own, and she looked so cute!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


 My mom had a cute idea to make mistle-toes to send to our missionary sisters & to have as a fun christmas decoration. Kambree wasn't a huge fan of the green feet, and it was a mess! But we added a bell and a red ribbon to the mistletoes & it turned out so cute! Thanks momma!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

a pinata project

For one of my classes I had to do a presentation on the hispanic culture and their views on different things that involve the medical field, like their views on death and dying, and some of the things they believe. We decided to make it a little bit of a fiesta (or distract our teacher from our presentation) and liven things up with a pinata! I made this pinata and it was actually quite easy! I cut the two sides of the skull out of the big sides of the box, and then i used the flaps on the box and bent them to shape the inbetween. Instead of using tissue paper, I used one of the plastic tablecloths from the dollar store and cut it into strips. Then I just used black paper for the eyes and the mouth. It turned out pretty good, and it was a hit in class! Yay for good grades!