Showing posts with label LOVE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOVE. Show all posts

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Saturday was a busy day for my little Kam & I. We had two bridal showers! The first was for Alex's cousin Kacy's fiance, Emma. It was the cutest shower I have ever been to! There were Diet Coke's which is always a plus for me, and a panini bar, such a good idea! It was delicious. Kam got a little sick of being held so we spent quite a bit of time in the cutest playroom, the mini kitchen was a hit!! We took a goodie bag to go since we needed to head over to Santa Clara for Callen Crenshaw's bridal shower. It was nap time and Kambree got pretty fussy on the way over, I figured the goodie back was tied up enough and I handed it back to her to keep her entertained. She was entertained all right. I got to Hailee's and went to get her out of her carseat, and she was COVERED in chocolate  and popcorn. Somehow she had gotten into the bag, I had no idea there were chocolate covered cinnamon bears and white chocolate popcorn, it was a disaster, but oh so hilarious! We went right upstairs to get her cleaned up and changed. (SO glad I brought a change of clothes!) We had a fun time seeing a lot of my friends from high school that I don't get to see very often! I am so excited for these cute girls!!

& later that night we played peek-a-boo foreverrrrr

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


We made a quick trip up to Salt Lake for the Matt + Jamie Condie wedding. Alex was asked to be one of his groomsmen. We got to stay at Heidi's house over the weekend since she was in Hawaii, it was so nice, Kambree loved Aunt Heidi's bathtub! The morning of the wedding we met Abbey, Jordan, and Chris at Pig and A Jelly Jar for breakfast. It is our very favorite breakfast in Salt Lake, the chicken and waffles is delicious! After breakfast we headed straight to the temple, Abbey was so sweet to walk Kambree around temple square so both Alex and I could go to their sealing. There is nothing I love more than going to temple sealings, they are always so amazing, and I love how different and special each wedding is. After the wedding we went out for pictures and I think Kambree was maybe frozen. She and I headed in to one of the buildings to get warm while everyone took pictures. It was a miserable time for the both of us. After pictures we headed over to the Joseph Smith Memorial building for the luncheon. Kambree had a blowout, and then finally a much needed nap. She slept through the whole luncheon, and our shopping trip at City Creek after the luncheon. She even stayed asleep through part of the reception, the girl was tired! She had a long day, but she was a pretty darn good girl. After the reception we went to Pei Wei for dinner, and finally called it a day. We were exhausted. We spent the night at Heidi's again and got up the next morning and headed home. Our trip was short, but so sweet! We are so happy for Matt and Jamie!

-we got home in time for Sunday dinner with our family, Kambree was soo excited to see the boys, I love her little laugh!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I got the opportunity to design some wedding announcements and name cards for a styled shoot with swoon vintage rental co. Everything came together so well, I love the way it all turned out! 

Monday, December 22, 2014

a christmas party

We had a few of our friends over for dinner, a photo-booth, and a white elephant gift exchange. I loved doing the photo booth, (surprised?) the babies were hilarious, and we had a really good time. I also hope Kambree marries Miles or Aiden, these pictures would make for a reallyyy good wedding video! Merry Christmas!