Showing posts with label elf on the shelf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elf on the shelf. Show all posts

Sunday, December 14, 2014

elf on the shelf

Instead of our elf moving around the house, Kambree just played with him everyday, she loved him!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

christmas day

Having both our families living here in St. George makes the holidays a crazy time for us. We try our best to make it to all of our families parties and activities and I think we do a pretty good job! We started out by having Christmas at our own house and opened presents together. Alex spoiled me with a MacBook, I was so surprised and I seriously love it. I got him Jazz tickets and some tools, then put him to work fixing things for me haha. After we opened prezzy's (presents) we headed over to my parents for presents. This year it was our turn to have breakfast at Grandma Hafen's house and ooh it was so yummy. Then we went to breakfast at Grandma Gates' house. We sure eat a lot of food on the holidays as we try to make the rounds. Next we went to Grandma Esplin's for lunch and then we ended the day at my mom's house for dinner with the Isom family.
Christmas morning in our Christmas jammies
Ryker got a chance to say goodbye to Ellie the Elf for the year, and he was allowed to touch her only to hug and kiss her goodbye. He didn't dare kiss her but he hugged her and he really had a hard time saying by, it was the cutest thing.

The next day we did Christmas with Alex's family because everyone worked Christmas day, it actually worked out quite nice for us this year! We babysat the nephews for a couple hours, we watched Madagascar 3, and worked on puzzles, it was a good time. That night everyone came over and we opened presents together. It was so so good to see everyone, I was loving it, I missed them all like crazy. Ace was throwing up during presents, it was so sad but he was such a good boy about it. 
Then Abbey tied Jett's legs together and it was seriously hilarious, he did not know what to do.

December was such a good month for us, we were so happy to be done with school and spend a whole lot of time together, and with our family. We sure have learned to appreciate every minute we have with our families since we don't get to see them as often.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

meet dwight

When we woke up December 1st, Alex and I had a little visitor in our apartment! I saw him at about 6:30 and I decided to wake Alex up haha. He wasn't very happy about getting up but I thought it was really funny and I couldn't stop laughing. Our little elf had zip-lined through the door and had made a mess of our laundry. 
The next morning our elf never came. (Probably due to overtired people who really wanted all the sleep they could get due to finals week coming up.) So when we went to bed that night our elf was waiting for us to hop in bed with him.
On the third day of December our little elf got inside the toilet paper roll and rolled his way all around the house and ended up at the foot of the tree. Since it was family night we went to Benja's for dinner and came up with a name for our family elf. We have been really into "the office" lately so we decided to name him Dwight. 
Today we found Dwight sitting on our shelf in the shower with shaving cream all over his face and Alex's razor in hand. Silly elf. 
I know Elf on the Shelf is supposed to be for little kids, but in the book it says that elf on the shelf is a family tradition, so I thought why not start this tradition our first year of being married? We love you Dwight!