Wednesday, August 8, 2012

lake powell {according to my camera}

 Right before we left for the lake there was a huge storm in St. George. We were bagging ice in Pizza Factory Express when it started flooding in the back door! It was crazy! As we were driving we realized the boat was draining water until we were almost to Page, we also had this crazy kid with us, he always finds his way right in between us!

For maybe the first four days the trip these two boys did nothing but fish, eat, and sleep. They were quite the pair and they actually caught quite a few fish!

 the tube roll: shot one
 the tube roll: shot two

 tube roll: shot three
 tube roll: shot four

 We left the flag back at the houseboat, so we used a basketball hoop instead!

 My Aunt Jody was so sweet, and did gel toes for all of us girls that wanted them! 

 Blue Moon
And this is the laundry pile we came home to. It was such a fun trip, and we look forward to it every year! This year I was pretty sad that Reggie and Shaydon were not there, but it was so fun to have Alex out there with me! Thanks for the great trip Grandma!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the zephyr! I only remember that from our cali trip and you had to take a pic with the restaurant called the zephry! good times.... ps. michael jackson was in the bathroom
